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We believe that


The Mystery: Human mind is limited, and cannot comprehend or know God, who is unlimited. No one can know God,(which means through human intelligence, knowledge or  wisdom ) as He is unseen because He is Spirit being. John 4:24. 1 Corinthians 1:20-25 and 1 Corinthians 2:9,10, Romans 11:34

Now, we know God to the extent He revealed Himself through the Bible, and by His Holy Spirit and through His creation.

The Bible is the immutable, infallible word of God written by Holy men of God inspired by Holy Spirit. The Holy Scriptures in the Bible is a revelation to all mankind about who God is, and His Creation, Glory, Holiness, Authority, Power, Dominion, Will, Plans, Purpose, Nature, Goodness, Love, Joy, Peace, and also reveals His griefs, hurts, disappointments etc.

All scripture is God breathed (by the inspiration of Holy Spirit) and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, training in righteousness

2Timothy 3:16 

The Trinity which means three-in-one or triune God. One God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, they are co-equal and co-existent. 

Mathew 28:18-20. John 1:1-4, According to 1John 5:20 Jesus is true God.

God is the creator of all things, visible and invisible. He is Holy, Righteous, and Eternal. God the father through His son Jesus Christ and by His Holy Spirit created all things for his glory (Isaiah 43:7) and for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11 KJV). 

God is 

Omnipotent (all powerful) Isaiah 43:10-13,

Omniscient (all knowing) 1John 3:20,Psalms 139:4, and 

Omnipresent (exists everywhere). Jeremiah 23:24, Psalms 15:3

Human Race: God created Man and Woman in His image, to reflect Gods character in Righteousness and Holiness. Genesis 1:26,27 He created them to populate the earth, rule over all creatures in the sea, land and air, and to live according to His will, enjoying all the good things (given to mankind).Genesis 1:28. Life on earth was intended to replicate heaven, God’s  will be done on earth as it is in heaven.Mathew 6:10.

Satan was once an arch angel named Lucifer, He used to lead all the angels to worship God. He lost that position and became satan, as he rebelled against God by coveting to become like God. Since he was cast out of heaven he became the ruler of darkness and setup his own kingdom (Kingdom of darkness) along with the  angels that followed him.Isaiah 14:12-15, Luke 10:18,  Ephesians 6:11-13. 

Sin is, any offense to God. The sin committed by the first humans on earth was disobedience to God, and the human race continues to disobey God to this day. 

Adam and Eve were deceived by satan, who led them to sin against God. They disobeyed God and through their disobedience mankind lost relationship and fellowship with God. They became spiritually dead. Genesis 2:17. Henceforth they lived in fear, guilt, shame, and sin ruled their lives. Sickness, disease, poverty and physical death were a result of their sin. Genesis 3

It affected not only them but their generations. Romans 5:12

Every person is born in sin. Psalms 51:5

The result of sin is death (both physical and spiritual). Romans 6:23

Righteousness means right standing with God, being conformed to His will in thought, word and deed. Religion teaches ways such as rituals, traditions, and customs, to reconcile with God, which is called self righteousness and is not acceptable to God. Isaiah 64:6.

The only way to be reconciled with God is through Jesus His son, because Jesus is the Way Truth and Life. 2 Corinthians 5:21 and John 14:6.

Jesus did not come to start a religion, but to reconcile people to God, so that they may have a relationship and fellowship with God and become a part of His family .John 14:6, Mathew 5:44,45.

Christianity is not a religion, but believers following Christ, and putting into practice His teachings. Ephesians 2:8,9

Jesus Christ, the savior of the world:

    According to Gods plan of salvation, Jesus Christ was supernaturally born to a virgin named Mary, lived a sinless life, fulfilled all the commandments of God and paid the price of sin of the whole world. Luke 1:30,31, Mathew 5:17, 1John 2:2 


    He died, shedding  his blood on a cross on a mountain called calvary, was buried in a tomb, and rose again (came back to life which is called resurrection) the third day, just as He had told his followers.John 1916_20  He is now in heaven praying for all. Romans 8:34 He is the only hope for all mankind. John 14:6. 


If anyone, repents of his/her sins and believes in their heart, and confesses with their mouth, that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and that He died for their sins, and rose from the dead, and receive Him in their heart to be their Lord and Savior, he/she would be saved. Romans 10:9,10.


We are saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and not by human deeds. Ephesians 2:8,9


Water Baptism comes from the greek word “baptizo”, meaning immersion. Water baptism is a commandment of Lord Jesus. It is not an option.

Water Baptism signifies our death to the old man of sin and rising up to a new creation in Jesus. It is a public declaration of our faith and commitment to Jesus. Mathew 28:19,20.   


Baptism in the Holy Spirit empowers a believer to live a witnessing life for Christ. Speaking in tongues is a sign of Spirit baptism, and is a language used by a believer to speak to God and not to man.

The Church: The word church comes from the greek word “ekklesia” which means an assembly, or congregation. The church is not a building but people. Jesus Christ is the head of the church and the members (people) are His body. For the edifying or building of the church, God has appointed a five fold ministry, consisting of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers. Every believer is called by God  to actively participate in worship, and service. 


The Gospel means good news. When Jesus was born, an angel of the Lord appeared to shepherds and proclaimed the good news.

Luke 2:9-11. Jesus commanded His followers to spread the gospel all over the world. Mark 16:15. Christians should not be ashamed to evangelize the gospel because it is the power of God to save souls. Romans 1:16. 

Healing : Through faith, believers can receive divine healing as promised in 1 Peter 2:24 and Exodus 15:26. Poverty and Lack, sickness and disease are curses of the Law. Jesus set us free from the curse of the Law. Galatians 3:13. 

Our Ministry is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls, to teach Gods word so that saints could grow in the knowledge of God, and to train, equip, and prepare them to serve Him in their calling. To reach out to help the local community with good deeds.

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